I remember the shock and feeling of sadness and loss I felt the first time I realized that there are men who hate me purely because I'm female. It was a strange and lonely feeling, to have believed I was a fine, useful, kind, OK being, one no one would reasonably resent, and find that no matter what I was like, no matter what good I would ever do, some people would resent me, hate me even, despise me, purely because of my gender.
Because I'm not the only person who has experienced that feeling, and because I read every day information that confirms that there are many, many people who are victimized by hate toward females, I've decided to create a blog/site where one can read about the subject, get the latest news relating to female hate, and also learn what can be done to change the awful disadvantages and cruelties, tragedies, and atrocities that spring from it.
Please join me and my guest authors in changing the world, one word at a time.
Pat Gundry
Hi, I've just posted a comment on your latest blog - and then saw your name....
I know your writings from somewhere else - but I can't remember where :) (must be those darned female hormones that make us doo-lally :))
Posted by: a female Christian | April 15, 2008 at 08:29 AM
Hi, Female Christian!
Thanks for the comment. I've written books and articles, and quite a bit online. Go to http://www.suitcasebooks.com where you can see my books, and to http://www.heirstogether.com and http://www.womanbefree.com where you can read the complete text of two of them. My personal web site http://www.patriciagundry.com has more material, as do my many blogs listed at http://www.arielnetwork.com
Posted by: Pat Gundry | April 16, 2008 at 11:43 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
As a person struggling to come to terms with the many underhanded ways that women are oppressed in our western society, in family law, in careers, at home, in the many methods of abuses, I am always pleased to find a voice now and then who is making an effort to be heard. More women, and men, need to take a keen and kind look at our priorities in our world and take notice where equality and hate still dominate. We need a new action to arise, an equalitism, a new feminism, one that is taken seriously and with pride, one that ignores all the old tactics of bullying long enough to move forward a few steps and to take great care that what we ask for is not also used against us.
Keep up the courageous work.
Posted by: Jaye | July 04, 2009 at 02:15 PM
I have just been linked to your blog here, and you can bet I will be coming back. This is where I will send the men in my life when they tell me that there is no sexism in our society. It's difficult for me to speak of such an important issue and do it justice, but everything I have read here shows that you have the gift of summing up an issue with grace and insight. Thank you, though compiling this issues must not be a happy task it is absolutely necessary.
Posted by: Mandy | February 05, 2010 at 02:31 AM
Thank you, Mandy. I appreciate your comments. Yes, it is not always a happy task, but I'm happy to know that it does good and helps us all, women and men, boys and girls, to shine a light in dark places.
Posted by: Pat Gundry | February 05, 2010 at 12:04 PM
Thank you for your site, for spreading the word. It is difficult to be a woman and a woman with an intellect. Men and sometimes other women will dislike you for speaking the truth. You have no choice but to be who you are. And you are not alone.
Posted by: jaye | July 04, 2011 at 03:26 PM