According to a BBC news site item, girls as young as nine years old are being married to older men in northern Afghanistan in exchange for food and other goods.
Badakhshan's independent MP Fauzia Kofi says she has seen an increasing number of such child brides in the last two years.
"I don't call it marriage, I call it selling children," she says.
"A nine or 10-year-old - you give her away for wheat and two cows."
The reason given for this atrocious use of female children is poverty. Government officials say the situation will not soon change because Afghanistan is a poor country, and Badakhshan is its poorest province.
But, I don't think it's poverty. Poverty may be the environment in which the family choosing to do this to their girl children makes the choice. But, it's not just poverty. It's the valuing of women and children that makes them choose to sell the child into sexual, reproductive, and labor slavery. And, slavery is what it is. These girls will live or die by their reproductive organs.
A midwife in the village of Khordakhan, Hanufa Mah, says she tries to teach parents not to marry their girls too young but some feel they have no choice.
One girl she helped through labour was only 10 years old.
"The girl was so small. I held her in my lap until the child was born," she says.
UN figures show that more women die in childbirth in Badakhshan than anywhere else in the world, and mothers under the age of 15 are most at risk.
The girls of Afghanistan are being sold and made to have babies because of their religious and cultural background as well as because of poverty.
What can you do to help those girls and others like them around the world?
This is the 'what you can do to help' page for the Revolutionary Alliance of the Women of Afghanistan.
It's the oldest and largest women's group in Afghanistan. They work to expose abuses of Afghan women and children and to provide education, basic healthcare, legal help, whatever's needed.
Posted by: wiggles | February 17, 2009 at 03:00 AM